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  • flashwise

Orchid in the Afternoon

Whenever wind blows

I'll remember what

was peeled off on e by on e.

Though it was on e day tale

of course, we did not meet by chance

One great poet took us together.

Chilly breeze of the last day in March

crawls under by her naked knee

but she said O.K.

heating system in her place

still excellent

And also tissue-filtered brewed

coffee permeated unfamiliar tongues

once spoke own taste,

"three sugars with milk"

Late afternoon sun tried to peep

us by lowering himself down to

pulled down shade

hiding ourselves we sat down

on the floor, like meditating monks,

talking about things from the bottom.

She wouldn't be stranger any more

she only wants to be a traveler

enjoying kindness and attachment

on the street somewhere in me.

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